This is the Allphin Family pre-blog.

Our private blog is:


Welcome to the Allphin family pre-blog. Since my family blog is private, I have decided to make a public pre-blog to notify readers that there will be new posts on my private family blog. This pre-blog will stay public, so please add it to your blog roll (google reader, etc.) Then when I post something new on my private family blog, I will add the title and a teaser to me public pre-blog to let you know that there is something new on my private blog!! Make sense?

If you do not have access to my private family blog, just leave me a comment and I will email you an invite.

Private Blog:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Patience is a virtue

A few Sunday morning pics before church...

1 comment:

  1. Finally, I found you! :) We so didn't get enough time to talk at the premier - send me an invite, I want to see more of your ridiculously cute kids!! Email me at, and that's my blog as well. ( It's mostly for family, so it's a little boring, but at least I post semi-consistently.

    See ya!

    McKenna Gardner (Birch)
